Networking Dinner – 12/04/2018

On Thursday 12th April 2018, BPW Nicosia introduced to its members the 1st Networking Dinner, under the philosophy of “LifeGAME” an initiative on connecting people.

BPW Nicosia members that accepted the invitation were brought to a round table, sit-down, old fashioned, relaxed dinner during which each participant enjoyed a meal and got to know each of the other participants.

3 LifeGAME tables runned simultaneously each one with a table coordinator (Anna Charicli, Avgie Savvidou, Stalo Lesta). The purpose was to have each table bring together a mix of old & new members, from different professional backgrounds and age groups and with no more than 8-10 participants.

Members shared who they are, what they do and what they are interested in. Through the discussions that took place, participants were found exchanging what they thought to be a unique struggle to overcome a personal or professional obsticle to be shared by others and even solutions to it.

It was considered a great success, even “cathartic” for some, and the participating members gave positive feedback in anticipation of yet another “LifeGAME”, where they will “meet” new BPW Nicosia members.

We would like to thank and individually congratulate our board member Anna Charikli for the idea, as well as the organisation and background role in all the actions taken so as to for the Networking dinner to take place with such success.

We believe that this is the beginning of a cycle of Networking dinners that will benefit the members of BPW Nicosia, and in the future of other BPWs.